Congrats to Amy, who won the copy of Laura Hemphill’s BUYING IN last week!
From the 2014 Debs…
Heather Webb presented to a wonderful group of three hundred eighth graders this week who have begun a unit on historical fiction in their English classes.
A local book club invited Lisa Alber to visit and discuss KILMOON! Four months away yet but she’s already excited.
Susan Gloss is in the home stretch on her work-in-progress. She hit 75,000 words this week!
Lori Rader-Day set up author pages at,, and Facebook. She is definitely ready to be social.
Natalia Sylvester booked her first 2014 conference this week. She’ll be speaking on a panel and teaching a workshop alongside debut novelist Julie Kibler, author of Calling Me Home, at the DFW Writers’ Conference in May.
This struck me as such a Real Writer list of things we’re doing. Go, us.
Yes, go, us!