News Flash: February 13th, 2011

From the 2011 Debs…

Deb Kim Was featured on ManyHatsMommy this week Wednesday’s Woman is Kim Stagliano.

Deb Eleanor‘s The Weird Sisters hit the New York Times printed Best Sellers list – look for it in today’s Times!  It’s also a national and regional IndieBound best seller in independent bookstores.  Tour dates in Boston, Seattle, California, Charlottesville, Orlando, and Colorado have been added – check out her events page for more info!’

Deb Elise is thrilled former Deb Eileen Cook not only read Populazzi, but loved it enough to give this blurb:  “Populazzi is a fresh, fun peek behind the popularity curtain. If you ever wanted to fit in, wondered how to climb the popularity ladder, or needed how to figure out which guy was the best for you- then you’ll love this book. Elise Allen is a welcome new voice in YA fiction and Populazzi is destined to climb the best seller lists.”

Deb Dish — The Debs’ Best (or Worst) Valentines’ Day

Deb Elise

My then-fiance was visiting me in NYC, and I’d forgotten to make us a reservation, so we couldn’t get a seat anywhere.  I was writing for Cosby at the time, so in a stroke of inspiration, I called Mr. Cosby’s favorite restaurant, said I was one of his writers, I was stuck on Valentine’s Day, could they please let us in.  Not only did they say yes, but they wouldn’t let us even look at the menu — just sent us plate after plate of the best food in the house.  At the end of the meal, the waiter asked if they should put the bill on Mr. Cosby’s running tab.  We were tempted… but we didn’t let them do it.  It was more than enough that we’d received the most impeccable meal and service imaginable.

Deb Eleanor

My strongest association with Valentine’s Day is the movie The Wedding Singer.  Why?  Did I see it on Valentine’s Day when it first came out? Or do I just think of it because it’s romantic? But of all the romantic movies in the world, why that one?  Bizarre.

Deb Kim

Hmm, can I mention one before I was married? LOL! Ok, first a married one. One year Mark surprised me with a night at the Ritz and a shopping spree the next day at a fancy mall. Long before kids, as you can imagine. Next, 1999. I made one of those silly crayon your own design mugs from Mia and Gianna to their dad. It was later that year that they were diagnosed with autism, so it was one of our last “before” holidays. I still use the mug. But one that tugs my youthful heart was when I was a Freshman in college and my boyfriend bought me two roses in a twisted heart vase – a small gift, but it seemed so “grown up” to me.

Deb Sarah

My favorite Valentine’s Day was several years ago when my husband and I bought our first home—a ramshackle old Victorian in disrepair in Seattle. The deal closed on February 14, and instead of going out to dinner, we picked up our new set of keys and set up a card table in the dining room of our new abode, where we ate takeout and drank some red wine. Jason even brought this enormous orchid plant for the centerpiece. I remember feeling so happy and excited about our new home and life together. The next 3 months that we spent remodeling the place wasn’t exactly as romantic, but we made it through, and somehow managed to remodel a second house, where we live now!

Deb Tawna

My dad taught English and Social Studies for 30 years at a middle school across town from the one I attended. I was an awkward seventh grader still stuck in tomboy mode with buzz-cut hair and few amorous admirers. All the middle schools in the district had something called Val-o-Grams, which were Valentine’s cards that could be customized and sent to anyone at any of the schools. When the big day rolled around, I was dumbfounded to receive a Val-o-Gram of my very own. I opened it up to see nothing but a roughly-drawn sketch of a clog. No words at all, just the drawing. I didn’t need words to figure it out, though. It was my dad’s little inside joke: “Wooden shoe be my Valentine?”

3 Replies to “News Flash: February 13th, 2011”

  1. Tawna, I think your Dad is my Dad – pun city. How sweet! Sarah, my most romantic dinner was on the floor of our first real HOUSE in Doylestown PA, also on the floor, with paper wrappers. We were sleeping at a hotel until the moving truck came – but Mark and infant Mia and I dined like royalty!

    Happy V Day everyone – love comes in lots of flavors and colors and shapes and sizes – it can be amorous, friendly, a fond memory, helping someone, writing something that touches another person, a warm nuzzle from a furry friend – anything that makes you feel loved is LOVE.

  2. WARNING: My husaband thinks Valentine’s Day is a stupid marketing stunt exported from McDonald’s land. He also thinks I’m a dork because every day I say to him “have I told you today that I love you?” (response: *sigh*)

    So, with that in mind here’s the romantic email exchange between my husband and me today.

    Quote from an article about people who have been married at least fifty years. This couple has been married over 66 years…: “Everyday my wife expresses her love to me. Everyday she says, Did I tell you how much I love you today? Everyday. Everyday she says that.” See…I’m not the only one…

    …how wonderful…

    I consider it my “recipe for marital success“. Think how much you’ll miss it one day…

    …yes dear…


    …no dear…

    (The “yes dear” thing came from my dad: German guys don’t know about this, so my dad sat him down when they met for the first time and said, son, do you know about “yes dear” and proceeded to fill him in…)

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