News Flash: January 15, 2012

Congrats to Yan, winner of a copy of Jennifer E. Smith’s The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight!

From the 2012 Debs…

Deb Joanne is very pleased to announce that her lovely, beautiful and very pet-worthy ARCs have arrived!  Also, she’s participating in the YAmazingRace with MGnificent Prizes, a week long blog race with over 50 @Apocalypsie debut authors, starting tomorrow, Jan.16! This is going to be great fun and includes tons of great prizes, so if you’re looking for some excitement this week (after reading your daily fill of The Debutante Ball, of course) come join the race!

Deb Erika just scheduled her first library event and will look to Deb Joanne for tips since she has one coming up too! (Deb Joanne is still terrified and has no tips whatsoever)

Deb Molly is excited to announce that you can read the first two chapters of The Princesses of Iowa online!

Deb Rachel is thrilled to announce that MWF Seeking BFF hit the Boston Globe bestseller list this week! Also, she thought she was dreaming when she spotted MWF reviewed in People magazine!

Past Deb News

Deb Sarah Pekkanen is thrilled that the great Jodi Picoult interviewed her about female friendships, writing, and Sarah’s upcoming book These Girls, which Jodi says is “At turns bittersweet, laugh-out-loud funny, and painfully real.” Here’s the link!

Deb Eleanor has announced tour dates for the paperback release of The Weird Sisters, and Deb Erika is beyond excited that one will bring her to Deb Erika’s neck of the woods in NC!

Deb Kim‘s romantic suspense House of Cards is FREE this weekend for all Kindle download apps!

Deb Jenny ‘s Anywhere but Here is also FREE right now!

Friends of the Debs

Debs and Deb Friends alike are having a Ball of their own right now at the Pulpwood Queens Girlfriend Weekend in Jefferson, Texas. Among those getting in on the fun are Debs Eleanor Brown and Sarah Jio, and Deb Friends Therese Fowler, Caroline Leavitt, Meg Waite Clayton, and Rebecca Rasmussen. Wish we were there, ladies!

Deb Dish – What’s in your music player right now?

Deb Joanne –I made myself a funk mix that I’ve been playing in the car (I can’t listen to music when I’m writing and I’m too paranoid to listen while walking the dog, so in the car is pretty much the only place I have music on). I love funk and it always puts me in a good mood. It’s a great mix of Parliament, Earth Wind and Fire, Chaka Khan and Stevie Wonder, among others. Let’s groove tonight!

Deb Erika would have music on 24/7 if it didn’t keep her from, you know, sleeping. I use Pandora when I write and always instrumentals. For my next novel, I listened primarily to John Barry’s movie themes so 9 times out of 10 I was bawling my eyes out even when it wasn’t a sad scene. In the car, we run the gamut.  Right now you’d find the Slumdog Millionaire soundtrack. The girls LOVE that one for the ride to school.

Deb Molly I always have music on. Lately, I’ve been listening to my Martin Sexton Pandora station, carefully curated over many, many months. It plays a mix of my contemporary folk faves: Martin Sexton, Peter Mulvey, Kris Delmhorst, Dar Williams, Ani DiFranco, Jeffrey Foucault, the Nields, Tristan Prettyman, Josh Ritter, etc. Clearly, it’s the best station ever.

Deb Linda – Like Deb Joanne, I can’t listen to music when I write. I get too involved in the listening experience, and forget to put words on paper. That isn’t to say I’m not inspired by music, because I am (this will become apparent when people read my second book…well, if a certain scene survives the multiple rounds of edits I’m sure are ahead for it). For walks, I have my iPod nano loaded with old favorites: Billy Joel, Christine Lavin, CCR, some popular country stuff…I love songs that tell a story, and make me feel like moving.

Deb Rachel – I’ve been listening to two different renditions of “We Are Young” by Fun. on repeat lately. The original, and the Glee version. Both are brilliant.

4 Replies to “News Flash: January 15, 2012”

  1. Yay, Rachel – that’s some pretty exciting news! And I love these music mixes, although I have to admit I haven’t heard of anyone off Molly’s list – perhaps I need to diversify.

      1. Yes – and I can’t stop laughing – it was #1 in Kindle Free ROMANCE category overall for a while – my husband laughed even hard – YOU! ROMANCE! He will sleep in a cold dark room tonight. Harumph! Had a banner day on Amazon – thank you everyone!

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