News Flash: July 10, 2011

Congrats to Valerie who won Jane Roper’s Eden Lake.

From the 2011 Debs

Deb Kim is having a rare weekend with the entire family. My sister came in from Texas with her son and my brother and partner are in from DC – all at my folks’s house in Massachusetts. Best part? (Don’t tell my Mom…) We get to stay at the Renaissance at Patriot Place since there’s no room chez Rossi! It’s almost like a vacation. My Gianna turns 15 on Monday. Cousin Colin graduated from HS in May, and my Dad is 88 in early August. I have 3 cakes made and packed. And cannoli. Phew!

Past Deb News

Advanced Readers Copies of Deb Joelle Anthony‘s next book, The Right and the Real are out in the wild!

Friends of the Debs

Congratulations to Friend of the Debs Allison Winn Scotch on her new book, The Time of My Life! Details are right here!

Deb Dish — What the Debs are Reading Right Now…

Deb Elise

After a wild and wacky extended birthday week, I’m getting to this late!!!!  Sorry about that.  Right now I’m reading the Pretty Little Liars series, and I’m thrilled to see it’s set outside Philly, and mentions both Wawa and Tastykakes!

Deb Eleanor

I’ve met Tayari Jones a number of times, but am only just now getting the chance to read her buzzed-about Silver Sparrow.

Recently, I loved The Paris Wife by Paula McLain, and Maine by J. Courtney Sullivan.

Deb Kim

Just finished Making Waves By Deb Tawna Fenske. More on that later!

Deb Sarah

I recently finished an ARC of Sarah McCoy’s THE BAKER’S DAUGHTER. One word: Amazing!

Deb Tawna

After spending all of last week at the national conference for Romance Writers of America, I was craving the antitheses of romance. I’ve been reading Charlie Huston’s gritty thriller Caught Stealing, and enjoying every gory second of it!

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