[News Flash] July 14, 2019

Thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, Christine Hyung-Oak Lee! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of Tell Me Everything You Don’t Remember. You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet (make sure you follow @DebutanteBall on Twitter too!):

News from the Class of 2019 Debs:

K.A. Doore is chugging along at Camp NaNoWriMo, picking blueberries with her Toddler, and hoping a week of single-parenting doesn’t drive her crazy. Oh, and her second book – The Impossible Contract – is now available for reviewers over at Netgalley. In case you were interested.
Devi S. Laskar is still working on a rather long poem, trying to readjust to sea level after taking in the magical Squaw Valley air, and craving pizza. Thanks very much to the Community of Writers at Squaw Valley for for the alumni reading invitation this week (thanks Brett Hall Jones and Lisa Alvarez!) – and thanks to Jane’s Stories Press Foundation, thrilled to see The Atlas of Reds and Blues as a finalist for the 2019 Clara Johnson Award.
Layne Fargo is at her first-ever ThrillerFest this weekend, having a great time meeting all her murder writer friends from the Internet.
Stephanie Jimenez
Martine Fournier Watson would like to thank book blogger Leslie Lindsay for featuring her and The Dream Peddler in an interview this week. She’s also very grateful to Cathy at Copper Fish Books for making The Dream Peddler a staff pick and a selection for their September fiction book club!

See you next week when we blog about bloopers we made while writing our books.

Author: Layne Fargo

Layne Fargo is a thriller author with a background in theater and library science. She’s a Pitch Wars mentor, a member of the Chicagoland chapter of Sisters in Crime, and the cocreator of the podcast Unlikeable Female Characters. Layne lives in Chicago with her partner and their pets.