News Flash–Stolen Halloween Candy Edition

newsCongratulations to Suzy, winner of

THE GOOD NEIGHBOR, by Amy Sue Nathan!

Check back next week, where we will announce the winner of this weeks giveaway–STONES IN THE ROAD by E. B. Moore.

From the 2016 Debs

Louise Miller has had a very exciting week, book-wise. Her revision of THE CITY BAKER’S GUIDE TO COUNTRY LIVING was accepted by her publisher and is now on it’s way to the copy editor’s desk! She also travelled to NYC to have her author photo taken, and got to see a peek at her cover-in-progress. All thrilling events!

Jennifer S. Brown is starting NaNoWriMo! She’s been busy researching and outlining, and today she dives into her next novel, all the while sneaking Heath Bars and gummy bears from her kids’ Halloween stash (shhh! don’t tell!).

Heather Young has no publishing-related news, but she did start researching for her second book.  Using Wikipedia, so she’s not sure it counts.  Actually, she spent most of the week getting ready for the Halloween party to which she invited 75 people in a moment of weakness.

Abby Fabiaschi is still on a sugar high from last night.

Aya de Leon is beginning the process of mapping out her promo campaign, and working on a freelance piece for that big national online outlet that she’s scared to name for jinxing it. There are also rumors that she was part of a Michael Jackson Thriller ensemble for Halloween, but they have yet to be substantiated.

For Writers

Interesting Links Here are a few of the interesting pieces we ran across online this week:

  • Elizabeth Gilbert shares her writing tips to stay inspired and kick-start your creativity: Elizabeth Gilbert’s Tips
  • Jane Friedman on how to save a flawed novel concept:  Saving Your Concept
  • How you can make National Novel Writing Month (NoNoWriMo) work for you, from Writers’ Digest:  NaNoWriMo

Places to Submit

Aim high! The Write Life has a list of places that accept short stories, and they are all top-tier publications.

Writing Prompt
Whether you’re hitting the half-priced Halloween candy aisle at the drug store today or pilfering treats from your own kids, you’re probably riding a serious sugar high right about now. Write about a character who’s been caught with his hand in the candy jar, either literally or figuratively.

Author: Louise Miller

Louise Miller is the author of THE CITY BAKER'S GUIDE TO COUNTRY LIVING (Pamela Dorman Books/Viking/August 9, 2016), the story of a commitment-phobic pastry chef who discovers the meaning of belonging while competing in the cut-throat world of Vermont county fair baking contests. Find out more at