[News Flash] November 18, 2018

Thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, Vijaya Nagarajan! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of Feeding a Thousand Souls: Women, Ritual and Ecology in India. You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet (make sure you follow @DebutanteBall on Twitter too!):

News from the Class of 2019 Debs:

K.A. Doore has fully accepted that it’s winter in the Midwest and will be hibernating until March.
Devi S. Laskar continues to slog through NaNoWriMo2018 despite the lingering cold, and is planning to curl up with a good book today.
Layne Fargo is having an existential crisis about her second book, right on schedule. Good thing she’s going to a Friendsgiving dinner later where there will be 3 different kinds of pie!
Stephanie Jimenez is finalizing her copyedited manuscript with a proofreader and… doesn’t know what comes after this step. But she’s pretty excited to announce that she’s hit the 25k mark for her second novel, and she can thank NaNoWriMo & Devi’s check-ins for keeping her on track!
Martine Fournier Watson is answering some questions about The Dream Peddler for an author Q&A at the back of the book. This is surprisingly difficult…

See you next week when we blog about what we’re most thankful for in our debut year.

Author: Layne Fargo

Layne Fargo is a thriller author with a background in theater and library science. She’s a Pitch Wars mentor, a member of the Chicagoland chapter of Sisters in Crime, and the cocreator of the podcast Unlikeable Female Characters. Layne lives in Chicago with her partner and their pets.