[News Flash] October 21, 2018

Congratulations to Nidia, winner of last week’s book giveaway — LOVE WAR STORIES by Ivelisse Rodriguez!

And thank you so much to yesterday’s guest, Sam Hawke! If you haven’t already, enter the #DebBallGiveaway to win a copy of City of Lies. You can enter by sharing our post on Facebook and/or retweeting the following tweet (make sure you follow @DebutanteBall on Twitter too!):

News from the Class of 2019 Debs:

K.A. Doore is gonna be at Sirens next weekend in Colorado! If you’re there, feel free to say hi. She’s probably the quiet one in the corner wearing a skirt and flannel.
Devi S. Laskar is writing poems and trying not to think about her impending birthday.
Layne Fargo just returned from a blissful offline cabin getaway in Montana and is now tackling her epic to-do list. She also got to see the design for the Temper ARCs this week and can’t wait to hold them in her hands!
Stephanie Jimenez is working on copyedits and doesn’t like it! Too many rules! Too much like math! But in other news, she’s reading Rene Denfeld’s The Child Finder (psst.. check out when we interviewed her in September) and is utterly, completely transfixed.
Martine Fournier Watson is working on an article about bad writing habits turned good. Stay tuned.

See you next week when we blog about revisions and working with editors.

Author: Layne Fargo

Layne Fargo is a thriller author with a background in theater and library science. She’s a Pitch Wars mentor, a member of the Chicagoland chapter of Sisters in Crime, and the cocreator of the podcast Unlikeable Female Characters. Layne lives in Chicago with her partner and their pets.