Newsflash: September 30, 2012

Congrats to Florence, winner of last week’s giveaway contest!

From the 2013 Debs…

Deb Kerry is nearing the end of the first revision of the sequel to BETWEEN. Will she finish it this week? Tune in to next week’s newsflash to find out!

Deb Dana will be documenting her upcoming week for Untitled Books’ column, My Week — and is therefore hoping something happens more interesting than “made oatmeal, revised book #2, slept.”

Deb Kelly dorkily pre-ordered THE GLASS WIVES. Ridiculous, right? Just want to make sure I get my copy on day one!

Deb Susan was interviewed by Chuck Wendig at TERRIBLEMINDS, and discovered (to her delight) that CLAWS OF THE CAT is available for pre-order on Amazon! (She also joined the fun and pre-ordered Deb Amy’s THE GLASS WIVES!) Susan is speaking at the Georgia Romance Writers’ Moonlight & Magnolias Writing Conference in Atlanta next weekend – if you’re there, please find her and say hello!

Deb Amy is thrilled that THE GLASS WIVES is now available for pre-order on Amazon!


Past Deb News

Deb Linda is in Arlington, VA this weekend, signing books and attending author events at the NAIBA Conference.


Deb Friends

Deb Friend Kelly O’Connor McNees ‘s new title comes out on Tuesday! IN NEED OF A GOOD WIFE is, as Robin Oliveira said, “impossible to put down.”


Deb Dish – What’s your favorite aspect of attending writers’
conferences or having author friends?

Deb Amy: I’ve only been to one conference, but I am fortunate to have many writer friends. I can describe what makes them awesome in three words: THEY GET IT.

Deb Dana: I’ve never attended a writers’ conference and, as you will see in my post this week, I don’t really have many writer friends other than my sister-in-law (who rocks!!) and these Debs (who also rock!). To whatever extent my writer network is limited, it’s really nice to have people who, as Amy says, “get it.” Here’s hoping my network grows!

Deb Kelly:  I love gushing to authors I love. It’s like meeting an imaginary friend in real life.

Deb Kerry:  I attended both RT and RWA this summer.  I got to meet writers I’ve known for awhile on Twitter, and I got to meet new and fascinating people, and I even met some famous, bestseller type people. The awesome thing was this  – they were all excited about books and writing!

Deb Susan: I’m with Amy on this one – I love all my friends, authors and non-authors alike, but there’s a camaraderie born of walking through the fire that binds authors together regardless of where they are on the publishing path. Conferences are three full days of no-holds-barred celebration with the tribe, and I love every minute of it!


3 Replies to “Newsflash: September 30, 2012”

  1. I love these newsflashes! Keeps me up to speed when I miss anything important during the week here at the ball. 🙂

    I’m going to jump on the bandwagon and order THE GLASS WIVES, Kelly. 🙂 🙂

    I’m a huge proponent of conferences. I met the amazing ladies of my critique group this way AND my agent. Plus, I love talking with the authors of the books I’ve enjoyed reading. Great networking and workshops!

  2. Heather, I love them too! I’m mostly up to speed on what is happening with my class of Debs, but I love keeping tabs on our alums as well. : ) My take on conferences coming up tomorrow. : )

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