Wow, this is pretty cool, guys. I’m giddy and and I’m up – so giddy up! First, thank you from the bottom of my swelling heart for the kind words and amazing feedback and reviews. I am really humbled. I was terrified to write a Kimoir. Every chapter I wrote strafed me with doubts like bullets. “Should I? What will so and so think? Is this right? Am I being a good Mom?” I had to set all of my fears aside and just… write. And so I did.
Here’s a bit about how I earned the great gift of calling myself a published author. In November of 2007 I learned about the Backspace Author Agent seminar. I had no money, no childcare and a big, fat dream. My husband took the day off of work and gave me the $100 or so bucks I needed to attend. I was determined that then uber-wunderkind agent Dan Lazar would fall in love with my charm and wit and sign me on the spot. Despite the rejection I’d already received from him – a very kind, personalized rejection, I’ll add. I sat through the day, waiting for the chance to meet an agent and see if I could get him/her to ask for chapters. I didn’t walk up to Dan or Miriam Kriss or any of the other agents whom I knew by name. I was intrigued by the style, charm and professionalism by an agent named Eric Myers. I’d go so far as to say it was the author version of love at first sight. He felt like home. I approached him, clutching my very first published Huffington Post piece and blurted out my quick pitch. Four months later, he signed me, after putting me through my paces but GOOD. I was so excited, I took a picture of my cell phone when I got, “the call.” Then when my contract arrived I took several photos of myself signing the contract and that shot of my girls with the contract. My three muses.
The book he sold wasn’t the book he signed me with – which was fiction. I’ve learned so many lessons about publishing since that time. All good. I love being a writer, the people I’ve met, the thrill of sharing my thoughts and words and making people both learn and laugh – it’s like a drug to me. A really good drug.
Thank you so much, everyone for this opportunity for a tired, middle aged Mom in Connecticut to say, “I am an author.” I wish each and every one of you with this dream the very same (minus the tired middle aged part, if you so desire.) The Backspace 2011 author agent conference starts on November 11th in New York City. Click HERE to learn more and register. Who knows? The agent of your dream might be there waiting for you too.
Pop over to my website to learn more about the book, and of you’d care to buy a copy or two, that would be lovely. If you do, I’ll be happy to send you a signed bookplate. Just send me your mailing address at Thank you.
I crazy-adore you, Kim! Your book is amazing, you’re amazing, your family is amazing… I can only gush!!! You deserve all the success in the universe! I got my hardcover copy of your book yesterday and I can’t wait to dive into it all over again!
If the fiction book is next, I’m first in line to buy it. 🙂
Congrats Kim! Hope you have an amazing launch day… and career as an author.
What a great agent story! I’m glad it has such a happy ending – congratulations and you know I wish you tons of success.
Wow, what a great investment Mark made that day! Cheers to you, the “Kimoir,” the family, and that next book you need to write!
Huge congrats on all your successes, dahling! Very well deserved! And I love your agent story, especially the “author love at first sight” part! 🙂