Today’s the Day – GOOD THINGS in Bloom by Deb Mia

I’d like to start today, February 6, 2007, with this quote:

“Everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.”

Robert Louis Stevensongood-things.jpg

The journey that resulted in today’s official publication of GOOD THINGS: A NOVEL, started over 30 years ago. That journey has been marked by fits and starts, surges and lulls. Finite moments of exhilaration, but more commonly, disappointing moments of self-sabotage, occasional jealousy, and huge bouts of self-doubt. I could have all the great stories of the world to tell, but if they remained tucked in my desk, my computer, or my mind, the dream of calling myself a published author would never come to pass.

For someone who considers herself a go-getter, a self-starter, and, at times, an optimist, I always knew this day would come. But it was about four years ago when I realized that if I wanted to do it, really wanted it, I needed to set that goal and just do it. Now. Write a novel, find an agent, find a publisher, and let it go. It’s never too late. I had to come to terms with the fact that it wasn’t going to be perfect, there were going to be errors, and it probably wasn’t going to be the Great American Novel. There would be readers and critics who would hate it. I might even hate it. But I still needed to do it.

And guess what? It isn’t perfect, there are errors, and it’s not the Great American Novel. But there are readers and critics who love it. I received my first piece of fan mail today, an email from a woman who picked up my book over the weekend at Barnes & Noble, read it, and loved it so much that she emailed me to ask me about my next book. Someone I don’t know, who didn’t give birth to me or have any relationship to me by blood or marriage, loved it. Even if she just liked it I would have been happy enough, but she loved it. Huh. Wow. Thank you. Really. I mean this from the bottom of my heart.

So today’s special post is for everyone out there, those of you who are waiting for your first publication day, even if you don’t yet have a publisher, or an agent, or even a finished manuscript. Don’t worry about what you did or didn’t do in the past; decide what you want in your future. Start with where you are, and keep going. Don’t let yourself stop for too long, because when you do, all the self-doubt starts up again, like weeds in a beautiful garden. You plant your garden, you keep it clear of weeds, and you just let it grow. You can’t control the weather – that’s completely out of your hands. You do your best to tend to this garden, and chances are, it’ll just bloom into something beautiful.

My heartfelt thanks to everyone, especially The Debutantes and my good friend and fellow author, Jessica Barksdale Inclán, for your support in helping me get to this special day.

All best,


17 Replies to “Today’s the Day – GOOD THINGS in Bloom by Deb Mia”

  1. Wahooo!!!! CONGRATULATIONS, MIA!! 😀

    What a great, inspirational post to kick off your official debut. I know that wonderful things are in store for Good Things and I can’t wait to hear all about this first week.

    Love and great wishes to our First Debutante!!

  2. After reading the post I wrote to introduce Mia and GOOD THINGS, a friend emailed me and commented how Mia reminded her of “Dreamgirls.” Last night brought another email from the same friend: “And back to books — tomorrow’s Mia’s day, so I’ll be at B&N to fetch “Good Things.” That B&N is in Charlotte, N.C. a long way from Hawaii but that’s the wonder of dreams coming true….they take you everywhere.

    Congratulations, Mia, and enjoy YOUR day! 😀

  3. Three cheers for Mia! What a wonderful post and excellent advice. I’m so excited that Good Things is out in the world at long last. My copy is on its way and I can’t wait to dive in!


  4. Congratulations, Mia! I’m so impressed with the way you seem to be handling all of this with aplomb. I blogged about it over on my blog and gave you the appropriate shout-outs on the Deb Ball’s My Space page. Thank you for heading the pack so elegantly (even if you object to that, I insist on it.)

  5. A big shout out from Canada, Mia!!! I hope GOOD THINGS makes a huge splash in the land of readers, and that your “first fan” is the first of thousands more to come (of that, I’ve no doubt).
    Keep us posted as things progress! 🙂

  6. Oh, Mia, thanks for sharing your dream. It gave me chills to read your post. I’m headed to my local independent bookseller just outside of Boston to buy Good Things. What a triumph. How to you plan to celebrate?

  7. I told the other Debs I was going to break open a bottle of Krug for breakfast, but in reality I had papaya and oatmeal (and tea – does that count?). I am so grateful to everyone for their support – thank you for buying GOOD THINGS and leaving so many good wishes!


  8. Congratulations, Mia! Your post is lovely. You’ve managed to share your joy, while at the same time, you’ve given us all the gift of encouragement. Enjoy this beautiful, memorable time in your life.

  9. I’m waiting on my Amazon delivered Good Things to come tomorrow, they say. Just in time. Can’t wait to read your book, Mia. Congratulations on completing the journey. Now relax and enjoy the accolades!

  10. Congratulations!

    As someone who started writing seriously in my thirties with four kids in tow, this post really moved me.

    The writing boards are full of doom and gloom, ominous statistics, and cautionary tales not to “get your hopes up”.

    It’s SO wonderful and exciting and refreshing to be reminded that it can, and does, happen every day!

    Enjoy the moment!

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