Until We Meet Again by Deb Meredith

mcoledoorHas it been a year? Are you sure? It seems just yesterday that we started our debutante year. I had no idea how funny and wonderful the debs are–or how much I would enjoy their writing. I still had ambitious plans for a west coast tour. I was busy trying to assimilate all the information I was getting from more experienced writers about the do’s and don’ts of book touring as I prepared to launch Posed for Murder. I was young and innocent…

One year later, I still don’t feel like an experienced writer. Doesn’t that happen when you have five or more books under your belt? My book hasn’t even been out a year, and the next one won’t be out until sometime in 2010. But here’s a few things that I’ve learned in my year at the ball.

1) The world of a published author can be frustrating and upsetting at times (bad reviews, lonely book signings, etc.) so make sure to surround yourself with a great support team.

Throughout it all, the debs have been a wonderful support network for me. When something terrible happens (or something wonderful) I share it, and the others write back with an outpouring of understanding, and virtual hugs. It’s made all the difference in the world for me during my debut year.

2) Blogging is not, as I originally feared, and exercise in navel gazing.

I admit that I was dragged kicking and screaming into the world of blogging. With so many blogs out there, it seemed impossible that anyone would actually be reading one. But I was pleased to discover that there is a dialogue on our site. People read the ball and comment, and then we respond back. And we’ve found so much support from our readers, and other amazingly generous bloggers (Larramie, Jen Forbus, and so many others).

3) Most writers are lovely generous people.

Writers, for the most part, give freely of their time and enjoy interacting with their readers. The few that are not nice—well, everyone knows who they are. And they’re pretty easy to avoid.

4) It’s difficult to blog weekly, tour with a new book, hold down a job, be a parent and spouse—and write another book. But it’s not impossible!

When I hang up my crown, I’m looking forward to taking a blogging break for awhile. I have to write my third novel in the series, catch up on the large mountain of laundry, and write a few thank you notes… But I enjoyed spending time in the blogosphere and I don’t think I’ll be able to stay away too long.

Thanks for reading! And a hearty welcome to the class of 2010. The year will fly by–so make sure you enjoy it!

12 Replies to “Until We Meet Again by Deb Meredith”

  1. I’d never blogged before either, Meredith, so I worried too that I wouldn’t have enough interesting things to say every week for a year. But the book blogosphere is uniquely engaged, I think, and we’re lucky to have such a vibrant audience, here!

    So glad to have spent the year with you like this, and I feel lucky to have met you in person, too!

  2. Congrats Meredith!! It’s been wonderful sharing your deb year with you! 🙂 And if the blogging itch strikes you, you’re always welcome to be a guest at my place. 🙂 See ya in October!

  3. Thanks for reading! It’s been a great year. And I’d love to be a guest at your site, Jen… After a short vacation, of course.

  4. Thanks, Sarah. I hope your debut year is wonderful!

    And it was delightful to share the year with you, too, Eve. Where has the time gone???

  5. Amen to all of that! As for the navel-gazing, I think the Debutante Ball is “special”–I know my mother thinks so! She’s sad that I’m done, and when I told her I also blog at my own site, she was like, “I know, but…” I think there is something about the interaction–and the weekly themes.

    It’s been wonderful being a Deb with you!

  6. Aw, you’re all making me sad this week, but happy too, to know you had such an exciting year. I hear you on the multi-tasking with young child, salute you for getting it all done, and look forward to seeing you launch many more books.

  7. Thanks Danielle! And thanks for supporting us and helping us through the year. Did I mention how amazing the graduate Debs are yet? Well, they are amazing, and I feel quite honored to be one of them (as of next week!).

  8. There is nothing like The Deb Ball to get to REALLY know authors. During the first season, my refrain became, “Well, I knew you when…” I knew you when, Meredith, and it’s been a plesure. Now onward with Lydia’s adventures…and please let me know N2’s pub date!

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