Where I Write

Early in my writing life, I used to be precious about where and when I would write. It had to be the right environment–silent and clean, someplace that smelled good and where I could work uninterrupted, and then only when I had at least 3-4 hours of time. Then I entered into a year-long revision workshop for novelists. During that year I worked full-time (actually working more hours than I ever had previously) read the nine other novelists full manuscripts twice, and revised my novel two and a half times. I learned to write ANYWHERE.

Of course, I write at home

At cafes

At the library

And at work

And sometimes on the move

2015-08-05 17.19.09

Author: Louise Miller

Louise Miller is the author of THE CITY BAKER'S GUIDE TO COUNTRY LIVING (Pamela Dorman Books/Viking/August 9, 2016), the story of a commitment-phobic pastry chef who discovers the meaning of belonging while competing in the cut-throat world of Vermont county fair baking contests. Find out more at louisemillerauthor.tumblr.com.

7 Replies to “Where I Write”

  1. “Precious,” yes. I know exactly what you mean. 🙂

    Like you, I write pretty much anywhere, because anywhere is often where I end up. A couple of years ago I went to see a movie, and the projector kept breaking and we kept seeing the same trailers over and over, never getting to the movie. I was just sitting in my seat, happily writing a scene (pen and paper — always a good backup).

    1. Anthony, I’m a total movie hound, so I’m extra impressed with movie theatre writing! And yes, I’ve gotten into the habit of always having a notebook and pen with me, after several failed attempts of trying to write a scene on my iPhone. Cheers to writing everywhere!

      1. Now there’s an interesting question, maybe for a future blog post. Do you find your writing is influenced by the movies you see, or are they mostly for fun and your storytelling is book-based?

        A lot of the writer bloggers I follow are pretty much in the latter category, whereas my writing is far more influenced by movies (and comic books, and old-time radio shows) than by books.

        1. That’s an excellent idea for a blog post!
          Personally, I love all forms of storytelling. I’m a film geek, and big reader. I’m also a huge theatre fan, a sucker for radio storytelling programs like The Moth, and I love “good” TV (good meaning it’s to my taste 🙂
          I’m influenced by it all, and it all works its way into my fiction.

  2. I love this. Funny how overworked women writers get so much less picky than in our more leisurely days. Our “have to”s become “want to”s become distant memories of luxury. After a while, any device, surface, scrap of paper, pen, pencil, crayon, will do. In my teen protester days, I wrote notes on toilet paper. I’ve composed poems on cocktail napkins at bars. One of the rounds of revision of my novel was done on my phone, in the middle of the night, while my family slept in the same room.

    1. Yes! This is so true. I admire your phone writing!! A good portion of my book was written in 20 minute increments in the women’s locker room at my job.
      I have to say, I am so happy that I lost that fussiness. You can write an excellent sentence while on the bus. Or in line. Or while burning sugar on custard 🙂
      And every bit of work that you do adds up.

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