Deb Elise’s Creative Challenge

Okay, I have an idea.

I don’t know about everyone else out there, but I’m guessing a lot of you are like me, in that my main creative outlet is writing.  It’s great and I love it, but it’s not like I sing, or play an instrument, or knit, or scrapbook, or sculpt, or paint… I write.


The above are crafts I did not make.

But the more I thought about this week’s theme and how broad it is, the more I thought it would be a fun challenge to take the week and expand my creative horizons.  I’m thinking every day this week, I’ll do something that’s a creative stretch: like attempting to bake a crazy dessert without a clear recipe, or actually using all the odds and ends in my six-year-old daughter’s art kit to build something wild, or sitting outside and painting a picture.  I’m pretty sure I can get my daughter to partner with me on this venture, but it would be even more fun if some of you joined me too.

What do you think?  Would it be fun to try something new creatively each day this week?  Maybe we could even write down what we do each day in the comments below, and see what kinds of things we’ve all come up with.

I’m writing this post late late late Saturday night (technically Sunday morning, but until I go to sleep, it’s Saturday to me), so I’m not sure what I’ll try on Monday, but I’ll definitely let you know, and I hope to hear from you as well!

~Deb Elise

10 Replies to “Deb Elise’s Creative Challenge”

  1. Love the banana idea! I’m under deadline so as tempting as it sounds I can’t play this week, but I’ll be really curious to see what you do and how it works out. And film that banana-eating challenge. I want to put it on YouTube. I really think you’ll get a LOT of new fans.

    1. There are probably women who could get a lot of mileage from the banana thing… on me it would just look like a bad Cirque clown act. But again, willing to try… 🙂

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