I’ve done more traveling since November 1st when my book debuted than I had in a dog’s age. Maybe even a tortoise’s age. Join me on a pictorial review of some of the highlights. Thank you to every Mom who cajoled her husband/partner into watching the kids so she could come to my events or paid an outrageous fee to a sitter. Thanks to the fab folks at the TV stations who peppered me with questions at the crack of dawn where the host looked perky and gorgeous I had done my own makeup (ugh!) Thanks to the amazing Independent and chain bookstores who supported me. Thanks to Skyhorse Publishing for the fantastic publicity work – Independent publisher does not mean a lack of service, quite the opposite – I had more airtime and positive press than I could have imagined.
First night, Manhattan. I met Bob McGrath from Sesame Street at the restaurant my husband and I visited after my debut presentation. Yes, I’m crying. It’s BOB!!
The Voracious Reader Larchmont, NY
The National Autism Association Conference launch party, St. Pete Beach, FL
The Howard Stern show’s Gary Dell’ Abate’s signing in Orange, CT
Signing stock on Cape Cod.
With Talk About Curing Autism in Costa Mesa, CA
Great pictures! And I can’t believe you got to meet BOB McGrath! I love him — he was always my favorite when my kiddos were glued to Sesame Street.
Linda, it was the coolest. I was with my agent Eric Myers and Mark – had just presented to National Autism Assoc NY Metro chapter. Met the musician in the restaurant who intro’d me to “the people from Sesame Street….” A gent turn his head and I gasped, “That’s BOB!” I asked if I could meet him, he agreed. I walked up to him and promptly BURST into tear, “B-B-BOB!” Sesame street has meant the world to my family, my girls. Even as teens, with their autism, they still watch every day.
Wow! Bob McGrath! My mom took me to one of his concerts and it was just about the best thing ever. My kid-crush for him was strong until I discovered Arthur Fonzerelli/Henry Winkler, but that was no crush – that was real love. Still is.
Joanne, do you watch the love of your life on Royal Pains? He’s still pretty hot! 🙂
What is Royal Pains? How do I not know of this? Maybe something not available in Canada…
It’s a USA Network original series — a dramady (mostly funny) about a concierge doctor in The Hamptons (rich people galore), and his brother. Their father is played by Henry Winkler. I think the first season, at least, is available on DVD.
This is awesome! I do have to say again I love how poised and intelligent you are on tv. Point a microphone or a camera at me and I become a blithering idiot.
I’m so glad you’ve gotten to share your book with so many people!
You met BOB!!!?? Of course you cried! I teared up at your picture with him–talk about a wonderful full-circle of childhood.
Thanks for sharing those great connections–and truly, you are way too photogenic, Kim. Do you EVER take a bad picture?? (Please say yes–and make the rest of us feel better!)
Have you SEEN my 6th grade portrait in the book? I’ve been taking bad photos for decades! I just don’t have to put them on blogs. Ha ha! 🙂 Thank you for such a nice compliment.
I totally respect crying for Bob, but you already know that.
The real question is, why wasn’t Gary at YOUR book signing?
This is so fun! I love looking at other people’s vacation photos, and this was waaaaaaaaay better than vacation photos. It’s like I got to go on book tour with you. Did we braid each other’s hair and have pillow fights?
And I drank your Dad’s beer! 🙂
Thanks very nice share … I follow your site constantly … important issues … Congratulations …