DEB DEBUT! It’s Party time! Please join us in congratulating Debutante Anna David, whose novel Party Girl now has its very own debut page on The Ball. Stop over, learn more about Anna and the book, and snap one up for yourself. Congratulations, Anna!
Viral Video Alert! Be sure to check out the viral video for Deb Anna’s PARTY GIRL. You are then both strongly encouraged to feel the nearly compulsive need to forward it to friends, and to submit your video to the Party Girl Viral Video contest.
PARTY rages on! Check out Newsday‘s Summer Book Preview, which calls Deb Anna’s PARTY GIRL one of the seasons “best reads” and notes that “David…comments wisely and humorously on addiction and recovery.” If you want to PARTY more, go see Deb Anna’s interview on author E.I. Johnson’s blog as well as her Q&A on the NovelJourney blog. You can also hear interviews with her in L.A. on Mike Walker’s radio show on KABC-AM 790 on Sunday, May 27th at 8 pm and, if you have Sirius, on the Playboy radio show on Thursday, May 31st at 1 pm.
Debs on Debs! Deb Mia speaks with Deb Anna at her blog, Mia Musings, this Tuesday, and gets a recipe that we’re fairly certain you’ve never tried!
Debs in Review! Deb Tish is thrilled with Town House’s review in Saturday’s Globe and Mail!
Debs Who Schmooze! Deb Jennifer had a fantastic time at the Harper party in New York City — and there is even photographic evidence posted at Galleycat!
Debs Who Are Up For a Challenge! Check out the Summer Mystery Reading Challenge at Reviewed By Liz! The SMRC challenges readers to read six new-to-you crime writers this summer, and yep, there are prizes. A different author is featured every day for inspiration and Deb Jennifer is scheduled for Saturday June 2 — stop by and say hello!
Friends of the Site! Gail Konop Baker’s last Bare-breasted Mama column is up at Literary Mama. We’ll all miss her beautiful writing, but not for long, Gail’s memoir CANCER IS A BITCH: Reflections on Midlife, Mortality, Motherhood and Marriage will be out in 2008!
Devastatingly charming, J.D. Rhoades, brilliant and hilarious blogger at What Fresh Hell Is This? has recently joined our friends at the wonderful grog Murderati. His second redneck noir novel starring Jack Keller, Good Day In Hell, comes out in paperback on Tuesday May 29th, and the third in the series, Safe and Sound, will be published in July!
You left out “devastatingly charming.”
“Party Time,” indeed! When will there be time for writing those second novels due next summer? ;o)
Congratulations everyone. And, Anna, Have a Ball this week.
That’s better ;-).