When I was in my undergrad program for fashion, I took my very first writing gig blogging for a recently launched menswear site. I remember applying and being so excited when I was chosen! I felt so official with this, my first fashion writing gig. But I was super nervous upon accepting the position.
I realized, my name would be “out there” and what if people didn’t like the content I produced? I even envisioned I might get hate if my articles weren’t up to expectation. I was challenged to produce a unique article each week on any topic related to menswear, and I took this responsibility very seriously. I took time to plan out articles and series and interviews that would elevate the reader’s knowledge and understanding of apparel.
I remember, once the articles started getting published, I realized I really liked blogging. While my favorite part was the crafting of the articles, my close second was the engagement of readers. I really enjoyed seeing the dialogue and questions and comments that each post inspired. I wrote articles for the website for around 7 months before they were bought out. I will never forget how during the time of the gig, I had an extra pep in my step and curiosity about the world.
I have appreciated the renewed challenge of writing and crafting each week that the Debutante Ball has brought during this past year. I feel especially proud of the authenticity I have found in my non-fiction writing and blogging. I know that the challenge of writing an article each week has fine-tuned my ability to quickly craft content that is ready for publication. I have also appreciated the Debutante Ball for allowing this year of my debut novel’s release, to be documented and recorded. I feel grateful that I can continue to share and refer to my writing that has been published here for the remainder of my writing career.
I feel proud that the writing I have done on this site has combined elements of teaching/advisement of the industry with confessions of what’s real behind the title “author”. I definitely see myself continuing to refer to and look back on the writing I have done while a Debutante. I appreciate this opportunity to network with other fantastic writers, and also have a platform to share my experiences and insight.