Attacus Atlas & Other Inventions: Resolutions and Resolve

Happy 2019.

I could get very specific and that may actually help in the long run. But I think I’m going to play it fast and loose in 2019 — well, more free than in years past. I’ve been working for several decades now, and I’ve been disappointed in myself a lot of those years. I always have good intentions. And I always set good intentions. But my expectations get in the way and everything usually gets derailed. Inevitably, my intentions fall by the side of the writers highway and I’m back to running with the bulls, so to speak, in high heels. Or climbing Everest in a pair of shorts. You get the idea.

This New Year’s resolutions I’m going to keep simple.

  1. I’m going to write. Every day. at least 15 minutes.
  2. I’m not going to set impossible standards. This means that on the days I’m busy with non-writing-related real-life opportunities and obligations, I will not beat up myself and try to stay up all night and get “more” done.
  3. I will enjoy the next adventure. Five weeks from today I will kickoff the next adventure with the launch of The Atlas of Reds and Blues in Mountain View, California. I intend to make cupcakes. I intend to celebrate the “birth” of my debut novel with the children I actually birthed — as well as my friends and family and writing community.
  4. See #1.
  5. I’m going to keep plugging away on the photographs, too. June 2019 will be the eight-year mark of #artaday. I intend to keep shooting and continue posting.

I have intentions of finishing Book #2, I have intentions of finishing my full-length poetry collection, I have intentions of writing more essays and reading a ton of books. I’m sure I’ll do some of these things. But I resolve to keep my goals small, and manageable. I resolve to keep going and not give up.



Author: Devi Laskar

Poet, photographer, soccer mom, VONA & TheOpEdProject alum, Columbia MFA, former reporter, debut novelist!