Deb Elise Sings Pomp and Circumstance

Tiara PopulazziIs it just that I’m the YA author here, or does everyone else also think each Group Goodbye is high school graduation all over again?

Group Goodbye.  You know what I mean, not like saying goodbye to far-flung relatives after a vacation.  Those people stay tethered to you, and you know you’ll all get together in the same way sometime in the future.

I’m talking about saying goodbye to a group of people who become such a part of your daily life that they’re like limbs… until suddenly they’re not.

Working in TV, I have this experience a lot.  Shows end.  Friends and acquaintances that were a second family for days, weeks, months, or even years poof out of your orbit.  Oh sure, you stay close with some, and Facebook-friends with others, but it’s never the same as when you were a fixture in one another’s days.

Just like high school.

And just like now.

So in the spirit of high school graduation, some Senior Superlatives:

Most Likely to Bibbity Bobbity Boo: Former Deb Katie Alender, whose mother saw me at a computer on the set of The Muppets’ Kitchen with Cat Cora, said, “You’re a writer?  My daughter here is a writer!” and sparked a conversation in which Katie told me how much the Deb Ball had meant to her, and that I should totally apply.  Katie, you’re my Fairy Godmother, and I thank you.

Most Likely to Live in Dagobah: Friend of the Debs Matthew Quick, and his wonderful wife, Former Deb Alicia Bessette.  Q has been my Yoda.  Not only did he blurb Populazzi, but in the madness of debut week, when I was insane as a menopausal banshee, he and Alicia patiently talked me down off the ledge.  I am forever grateful to them both.

Most Likely to Wear Greek Letters: Former Debs Sarah Pekkanen and Eileen Cook.  I was never the sorority type in college, but when it comes to Delta Epsilon Beta (D.E.B.!), Sarah and Eileen have been my big sisters, giving me their friendship and excellent career advice every step of the way.  Eileen also did me the honor of blurbing Populazzi, appeared on, and has been a major cheerleader for the book.  Huge thanks to both of them.

Most Likely to be Saddled With Me For Life: Eleanor, Kim, Sarah, and Tawna, if you think you’re getting rid of me after this, you’re crazy!  You’ve been there for everything this year, both personal and professional.  You are my confidantes, my support group, and my friends… plus you’re all ridiculously talented!  It has been such a joy to see each of your books launched into the world so successfully, and I know this is just the beginning of huge careers for all of you.

As for what’s next… I don’t know exactly, which is pretty exciting.  Some very cool things are bubbling for Populazzi, plus I’m working on a new manuscript, and some TV projects I love.  Devoted, the second novel in the series I co-write with Hilary Duff, comes out in October.  In the meantime, I’ll keep blogging at my website,, and posting all kinds of cool lifestyle tidbits on  I’ll also be a regular visitor here — I’ve only begun to get to know the wonderful 2012 Debs; I look forward to discovering more about each of them, and reading all their books.

Finally, I want to thank everyone who visited the Ball this year and joined the conversation with your comments.  Your insight, humor, and support have been invaluable, and I’ve enjoyed sharing this time with you more than I can say.

Nothing to do now except turn the tassel on my tiara from right to left and say so long…

Happy Graduation, Class of 2011!  Class of 2012, Welcome to the Deb Ball!

25 Replies to “Deb Elise Sings Pomp and Circumstance”

    1. Kind of like being the old wife and watching the new wife move in with her smooth skin and perky boobs and shiny hair and teacup poodle? Can’t wait to follow your year, Joanne. KIM

    2. It is bittersweet, but in a beautiful way. The experience wouldn’t be special unless it was finite. Again, like high school. Can you imagine if THAT went on forever? OY!

      Can’t wait to be the freaky graduate hanging in the halls post-graduation and watching your class! 🙂

  1. So do we get a giant keg party on Saturday night? (Oh dear, is that dating myself!?) Perfect analogy, Elise. And I was JUST mentioning you to a reader who emailed me this morning and wrote for Nickelodeon a while back. Yes, you’re stuck with me. Pinky swear.


    1. Fantastic!!!! I bet the reader and I know people in common — I have friends who worked at Nick awhile back.

      I was just talking about you too, actually. A friend and I were talking about Roy’s, and that having been there in Hawaii, we never went to the L.A. locations… except when I went to the Pasadena one with you. I’m so happy we got to meet in person — next time we’ll spread the party to Disneyland.

      And keg parties are timeless. Totally.

      1. Ha ha!! My Stepford neighborhood in the midwest (GASP!) was known for its key parties in the early 1990s. Our old house is for sale I hear, if anyone wants to get down and get funky! (GAG!) 🙂

  2. Oh, Elise, I’m so touched by your shout-out and feel exactly the same way about you! I’ve loved getting to know you this year – your kindness and love of life are infectious – and I’m so excited for everything that’s ahead of you as you keep rocking books, movies, motherhood, and all things Disney 😉 And we WILL meet someday! xoxo

    1. Thanks so much Sarah — I look forward to hanging out with you in person!

      Speaking of motherhood, the picture in the post almost didn’t happen. Whenever Miss M sees me busting out the Photo Booth on the computer, she wants in. I have several versions of the pic with Miss M’s front-toothless grin peeking in. Very cute.

      And I do happen to be going to Disneyland in two weeks… and again a week later… so I will gleefully rock it then. 🙂

  3. Awww. *sniffle* Just don’t toss those tiaras in the air like mortar boards, because when they come down…yeee-ouch!

    Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors, Elise. I know you’ll succeed at whatever you do. 🙂

    1. Even sticking those suckers in your hair can be treacherous — those combs dig in!

      We leave the Ball in amazing hands, Linda! I’m really looking forward to your posts and your book!

  4. This made me smile on a Monday morning. Happy graduation! Can’t wait to see what you cook up next – you are wonderful, and congrats on all your success!

    1. The same to you, my friend! I feel like I owe the class of 2010 a huge debt for bringing the five of us together. It has been a complete joy. Next time we hang out we need more time and more pictures!

    1. Q, I am in YOUR orbit! And that’s the thing about orbiting objects — it takes a hell of a lot of force (or… Force) to shake them.

      Did you see the preseason Birds/Steelers game? My fault — I didn’t wear my T-shirt. Won’t happen again.

  5. I feel especially lucky in that next year I’ll get to keep tabs on all y’all through the Debs Newsflash, and I’m the nosy type so don’t think graduation means being off the grid–I can’t wait to see where 2012 takes you and all the 2011 Debs, Elise,–and you can be sure we’ll be sharing all your continued adventures!

    1. Thanks, Erika!!! It has been such a pleasure sitting in on your email planning sessions. The five of you are going to have a hugely successful year — it’s a privilege to reach out our white-gloved hands and turn over the pearl-encrusted baton!

  6. Somehow every year I forget that an exciting new cast of Debs coming in means my dears of a year are leaving. *sniff* Now I don’t know whether to be happy or sad or what! Partly I’m mad at myself that I haven’t read Populazzi yet and I’m only halfway through MAKING WAVES! I think I need to try to finish them both by the end of the week, I’m falling behind!

    1. No worries, Jen! I’m thrilled it’s in your TBR pile!

      I will miss visiting you here, but I have your blog on my reader, and I know we’ll see each other there!

  7. After five years of hearing the band strike up this last week at the dance, I should be prepared to say, “Thank you for the memories and everything else.” But the truth is I’m neither prepared or ready to wave good-bye. You created spontaneous Mondays, Elise, and now you’ll go on to create even more. Miss you….

    1. I would say I’ll miss you too, Larramie, but you’re SO not getting rid of me! I will continue to cruise The Divining Wand, and we will keep the conversation going!!! It has been a pleasure getting to know you, and thanks so much for all your support!

    1. Thanks so much, Michelle! I’ve loved chatting with you here and on Twitter, and hearing such wonderful things about you from Tawna. I know the two of you will have HUGE continued success together!

  8. I didn’t wear anything under my high school graduation robe and flashed my friends when it was all over. I felt like I needed to share that here.


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