Happy Pub Day to Amy Klein, Author of The Trying Game!

Today’s the day for our own Amy Klein, Friday blogger on this very website and author of The Trying Game: Get Through Fertility Treatment and Get Pregnant Without Losing Your Mind. Amy’s book is the perfect blend of memoir and manual, and I know it’s going to be an invaluable resource for thousands of women as they traverse the sometimes rocky path to having a baby.

Shot through with empathy and humor, reading The Trying Game is like having a drink with a good friend. Amy explains without patronizing, informs without bossing, and makes you belly laugh in all the right places. If you’re someone who is “Not Pregnant,” as Amy puts it, after a little or a lot of “Trying,” then The Trying Game will help you determine your next steps and feel less alone. If your sister or best friend or colleague is struggling, you could include Amy’s book in your next gift basket for that woman along with mounds of chocolate and a gift card to a spa (or maybe to an acupuncturist, a trip Amy describes well in her debut).

Congratulations, Amy! Women are going to find and love this book. Copies will be dogeared and tea-stained and passed around, and reading it will make people feel valid and confident. Kudos!

Author: Kathleen West

Kathleen West is the author of the forthcoming novel, Minor Dramas & Other Catastrophes, out 2/4/20 from Berkley. She lives in Minneapolis with her family.