Congratulations to Jessica McFarlin, winner of author Mia King‘s book bundle, including novels GOOD THINGS, TABLE MANNERS, and FAMILY ROOM!
Check back next Sunday for this week’s winner of a signed copy of Shelly King’s THE MOMENT OF EVERYTHING...
From the 2015 Debs:
Colleen Oakley is thankful that it’s finally acceptable to listen to Christmas music! She’s also thankful for the handful of good reviews BEFORE I GO has received this week on GoodReads and that Simon & Schuster Canada is giving away 20 copies. Canadians: to win it before you can buy it, enter here. Americans, you can still enter the U.S. giveaway here.
Amy E. Reichert is thankful she finished edits and turned in a draft of her book to her agent for reading. She took a well needed break from the computer this week to host Thanksgiving (the most outstanding of all holidays, as it’s all about the food), and just enjoyed her first Thanksgiving Leftover Sandwich (English muffin bread, grilled in bacon grease topped with bacon, cranberries, gravy, turkey, and stuffing) of the year. It was glorious.
Karma Brown is thankful for the words THE END — book two is officially drafted! — and thinks that in celebration of U.S. Thanksgiving (as the lone Canadian Debutante, she already celebrated her Thanksgiving in October), she’ll make another pumpkin pie to enjoy during her first pass revisions.
Sona Charaipotra is thankful for family, fun, and a break from the hustle — and for turning in first pass pages! She also got her ARCs of TINY PRETTY THINGS! YAY! Hope everyone had an awesome Thanksgiving!
Shelly King went all in for Small Business Saturday! She joined other Indies First authors all over the country as a guest bookseller at not one but THREE Bay Area bookstores, Bookshop Santa Cruz, Books Inc. in Mountain View, and Books Inc. in Palo Alto. She’s sleeping in today.