Newsflash: January 27, 2013

From the 2013 Debs…

Deb Kerry would like you to know that BETWEEN IS OFFICIALLY OUT IN TWO DAYS!!!!! (Ahem. We apologize for the shouting.) Due to this being release week, Deb Kerry has more news than will realistically fit on this page, so we’ll stick with the highlights. Join her for an Online Launch Party at Bitten by Books on February 29, which JUST HAPPENS TO BE LAUNCH DAY!!! (Sorry) You can find the Official Blog Tour schedule here.

Deb Dana had lots of book activity this week! She saw both her Italian and German covers (link to the German one coming soon!), did a little interview over at Barnes & Noble, and announced a reading at The Spiral Bookcase in Philadelphia (Feb. 23, 5pm)! Oh, and if you’d like to sneak a peek at the first two chapters of THE GIRLS’ GUIDE TO LOVE AND SUPPER CLUBS before it comes out in a week (!), you can do so here!

Deb Amy has the final cover THE GLASS WIVES! Grab a cup of coffee or tea and come see THE GLASS WIVES cover!




Deb Dish – In Celebration of Deb Kerry’s Release Week: Who is your favorite character from BETWEEN?

Deb Amy: I have to say that my favorite character is Zee. Need I explain?

Deb Dana: POE!!! No contest ;-).

Deb Kerry: I can’t pick favorites. They are all my children.

Deb Kelly: I love Vivian. She’s so kick ass. This book makes me want to watch Nikita and Alias!

Deb Susan: I’m with Deb Dana – Poe is the BEST!


Your Turn!! You may not have read BETWEEN, but what do you think about penguins in Fantasy stories?

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