Until Later: Cocktails and Cheez-Its

Sesame Street Spanish teaches that the word for goodbye is adios. But, in my experience traveling and living in the Spanish-speaking world, adios isn’t used all that often. It’s too final. Too weighty. A much more common way to say good-bye is hasta luego or “until later.” I like this version much better. It’s more hopeful. It assumes that, someway, somehow, we will meet again.

And I know that’s the case for my deb sisters. Our friendship and support network will continue behind the scenes even after we’ve taken off our tiaras and handed them down to the new, fabulous class of 2015 debs. We’ve shared celebratory moments both here and behind the scenes but, even moreso, we’ve shared struggles, frustrations, rants, and binges on coffee, cocktails, and Cheez-Its. Just like my best girlfriends from high school, college, and law school have stayed a part of my life long after graduation, I know that Lori, Natalia, Heather, and Lisa will be just an email, tweet, or G-chat away.

For this reason, I feel like I can say good-bye with a little levity. And so, because I’m obsessed with GIFs lately, I give you…

A Goodbye in GIFs

There’s no need for ugly crying. 

There’s no need for tantrums.

We’ve had our fun here at the ball

And it’s time to say, not goodbye, but “until later.”

The 2015 debs are ready to take to the dance floor!



Author: Susan Gloss

Susan Gloss is the author of the novel VINTAGE (William Morrow/HarperCollins, March 2014). When she's not writing, toddler wrangling, or working as an attorney, she blogs at Glossing Over It and curates an online vintage store, Cleverly Curated.

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