This week The Debutante Ball celebrates the launch of Deb Maria’s debut, 101 WAYS TO TORTURE YOUR HUSBAND.
Here’s a snippet from the back cover: “Let’s face it: Even the best of husbands needs a little punishment every now and then. When he steps over the line⎯and onto your s**t list⎯there’s only one viable recourse: torture.”
My personal favorite torture tip is #45, from Chapter 3, the “quick torture” section: Ambush him in the shower. Maria recommends to start off slowly, first by stealing his towel or robe. Eventually you can work up to a “full-on ambush”: turning off the lights and pouring freezing cold water over his head. “The flashbacks will haunt him for a lifetime,” Maria writes.
I tested #45 on Matt, full-on ambush style. It worked! Instant torture.
Deb Maria might be the queen of entertainment, but her book provides some fascinating facts in addition to comic relief. For example, did you know that more than two million Americans suffer some type of smell disorder? Or that food from fast-food chains contains more bacteria than toilet water? 101 WAYS TO TORTURE YOUR HUSBAND isn’t just entertainment; there’s some very illuminating educational material within its pages.
If you have a bridal shower to attend, or a bachelorette party to spice up, definitely slip a copy of 101 WAYS TO TORTURE YOUR HUSBAND into that gift bag. The book is also a great one to display on your coffee table; guests are sure to flip through, chuckle and/or guffaw, and strike up a conversation.
Buy a copy for yourself, and more copies for a few good friends. You won’t regret it. And neither will your friends! (Their husbands will, though.)
Please join me in congratulating Maria on her debut. And remember: If you leave a comment this week, you’ll be automatically considered to win a free signed copy of her book.
~Alicia Bessette
Is Torture #1 “Marry the guy”? I found being married to _______ was torture enough. Word.
This would make a fabulous bridal shower gift!!
I’ll need to buy this for my sister ASAP!
Did Matt scream like a girl? You’ve got to tell us what happened next!
You didn’t–did you really? Freezing cold water? Nah–I don’t think you really did. (But if you did, tell us about it!)
First of all: “Congratulations to Maria and her debut”.
Alicia, it’s a great idea to give the book as a bridal present. I’ll remember it when my son will get married next time ;).
Nevertheless I’d prefer to have a copy myself.
I think even if I’m married for more than 30 years now this book could be useful for me and teach me some funny ideas…Especially interesting are your comments about the “educational part” of the book. Fortunately I’ve never been keen on fast food!!
Congrats, Maria, on what sounds like a hilarious read.
I’m curious why fast food and toilet bowl water are even mentioned in a Torture-Your-Husband how-to….sounds deliciously torturous!
Maria is also “torturing” the fast food chains! 😉
Watch your back lady. Word’s out. We’re tired of being oppressed. Males of the world unite! Congratulations on your book!
Congrats Maria! As long as there are husbands there will be a need for this book.
Hope you have a great release week. May Oprah call and the NYT beat down your door to declare you queen.